Friday, December 7, 2007

Lost in translation (some more).

Cute Italian Guy: a me piacciono le donne morbida.

Me: Uh, you like morbid women?

Cute Italian Guy: Si, morbida...che bella!

Me: Um, are you like an undertaker or something?

Cute Italian Guy: Cosa? [Huh?]

Me: Non ti preoccupare. Ho bisogno uscire. [Don't worry about it. I gotta go dude.]

Cute Italian Guy: Aspetta, che cosa mi detto?!?! [Wait! What did I say?]

Me: Uh, neinte. [Uh, nothing].

Cute Italian Guy: Penso sei gustosa!

Me: Sooo, I'm morbid with a gusto. That's just great.


Right. Turns out that "morbida" is the only cognate in Italian/English that doesn't even closely match up. I looked it up later and discovered that morbida actually means "soft, pretty, lovely."

And gustosa translates to "delicious or tasty."

Oops. Boy did I mess that one up. Che bello.


And that's really all I have to say for now.